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We Have Something for You at Florida Food Summit

Hello and welcome to the Florida Food Summit! This site truly does have something for everyone these days. Do you enjoy learning about new topics? I know that I do, and that’s one of the big reasons I started this blog. As is probably obvious from my site’s title, food is a biggie for me! (Actually, I’m hungry as I write this introductory post for you haha!)

Anyway, as much as I enjoy food, I won’t just be blogging about that – there are plenty of food blogs already out there! I like finance, but there are also a lot of money blogs. Same thing with buying / shopping in general.

So, I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I honestly don’t have a firm handle on the absolute direction here. Time will tell! But then, surprises are sometimes a lot of fun. Let’s have a little bit of fun here, ok? Thanks! See you again soon!